
A World We Imagine

Im my mind, a better world is full with love, at the same time, everyone is in a good health. In this way, there is no more pain and illness, everyone can receive treatments immediately after any sickness happened. In order to create a better world, I think the first thing we need to fix is everyone's medical care. Only a healthy body can lead us to all the goals we trying to achieve. As we all know, there are many places in the world where do not have healthcare and cannot receive health equipments on time. The world is too big, it is hard to reach every corner around the world to provide treatments to everyone who needs it. Although there are many charities around the world trying to provide healthcare, it is still hard to reach whoever needs to the treatment at the emergency moment.

There is one idea came up ti my mind after I watched the movie Bog Hero 6 - Baymax. If every one or people in one community or family can have their exclusive Baymax just like in the movie, everyone in this world will be able to received healthcare treatments at any moment wherever they need it. I would like to create a robot just like Baymax who is able to detect your health condition by quickly scanning your body as well as provide treatments or medical suggestions after according to your pathogeny. In this way, all we need to do is to invent this robot and deliver them to every corner of this world along with necessary equipment the robot would need. All we need to do after is to update this robot through software chip, so the robot will get better and better at cure people.

3 条评论:

  1. I love Baymax, so I would definitely be down for this idea. On a systematic level, one thing we should think about in the medicine industry is that doctors and corporations need to be incentivized to have less work overall. They need to be incentivized for less people getting sick.

  2. Great idea! We would also need to make sure that everyone is given proper and easy instructions on how to use the robots correctly, to ensure they're maximizing the use of this technology and not let any health issues go by undetected. Moreover, maybe you can even create a different version robot according to the culture/geographic location to fit each place's culture better!

  3. I am just as passionate about accessible healthcare as you are! I think the idea of bringing the medical services to the patients is very important - not everyone can afford or have transportation to hospitals. However, I don't know if a computer can completely replace human judgment and expertise. Jacqueline mentioned a mobile clinic in her later chapters, and I love this idea. I know India attempted something similar with mobile hospital units in vans. I think this is a start to try to bring better care to those who need it most.
